24 August 2011

fun is free.

okay people. here's the deal.
as we are typing, elephant shortcut's paper birds - EP is being processed on iTunes and Amazon MP3.

we could show up in those places at any time between now and saturday.
so instead of us obsessively checking iTunes every five minutes. . .
we want you to.
don't worry, there's a prize.

whoever finds us on iTunes first, gets a free elephant shortcut american apparel t-shirt!
here's what you do.

1. get iTunes
2. go to the iTunes store
3. in the search bar type in elephant shortcut
4. if our album shows up, take a screen shot of your computer, so we can see it's legit!
5. send that screen shot to our email, elephantshortcut@gmail.com

be the first to find us, and get a free shirt!

let the searching begin!

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