28 July 2011


hey all!
hopefully these past months you have treated yourself to some warm sun and melting popsicles (maybe even a frozen grape or two... our personal favourite summer snack).

this summer has brought a lot of fun surprises. mainly, getting to record with bad sue records.
now that we have been officially recorded. we're making a few changes.

we are:

+ now and forever "Elephant Shortcut"
+ releasing our first EP at the end of the summer
+ adding a percussionist to the band (soon to be announced)
+ putting together some merch to be sold at shows
+ flooding the social media network - keep an eye out
+ soon to open our official website

but most of all - we are ready to be playing again!
so look for us in VA & UT.
contact us if you need anything at all.

we hope your summer is wrapping up pleasantly.
we can't wait to share wavelengths with you in the near future!

georgina + mitchell
elephant shortcut

1 comment:

Gina said...


this is Gina. are you guys going to play a show in Utah?! that would be grand :) also, I want some tunes and some merch whenever you get it together. When do you guys head back to school?